Crossfit home gym is the perfect go-to place if you want to practice intense bodyweight workouts. Mostly, people have a mindset that Crossfit workouts are very tough and not for everyone, but it’s not true.

In this post, we will discuss about the methods that can help you create an intense body weight workout for yourself.

Crossfit Suggestion #1 Learn the Basics

If you’ve not got mastery over the basic Crossfit exercises such as pushups, pullups, and squats, you have a lot of things to learn first before going for intense workouts. Out of pushup, pullup and squat, squat is the most important exercises and included in almost all workouts.

Though the exercise incorporates very easy movements, but if you still want to learn, ask your trainer or watch videos.

Crossfit Suggestion # 2 Don’t Depend on Equipments

Crossfit bodyweight training program includes exercises that do not require any Crossfit equipment. It is not necessary to have a pull-up bar to hang on, if you don’t have, use your surrounding and find something that can hold your body weight and keep you hanging in the air.

So, instead of complaining that your gym is lacking necessary equipments, use surroundings.

Crossfit Suggestion # 3 Good Look and Fitness both are two Different things

Crossfit home gym doesn’t care about looking good, but fortunately, a large majority of Crossfit members look good. Crossfit creates intense training and also, guide about the nutrition which leads to improved looks and appearance.  You’ll not turn into a body builder or a skinner runner; instead you’ll get a perfect athletic body as a result of Crossfit workout.

Crossfit Suggestion # 4 Maintain a Training Diary

Measuring your efforts is very much important to scale the results. Maintain a Crossfit training diary. Instead of recording your sets, reps or Crossfit exercises, find some good ways to measure your progress. As all the Crossfit workouts are different, you need to find out different ways to measure the success of each workout.

Crossfit Suggestion # 5 Understand Your Body

Crossfit is all about gaining complete fitness. The important thing you can do is to keep a training diary. Your diary will let you know what your potential is and what should be your fitness goal.

Make your workouts more intense by adding reps, sets and using different techniques.


Tabata is a high-intensity Crossfit training program that improves cardiovascular fitness by working on both aerobic and anaerobic systems. This Crossfit home Gym WOD (Workout of the Day) involves four exercises and condensed the workout to only four rounds of each within 8 minutes.

Exercise # 1

Squats are one of the effective Crossfit body-weight exercise. Perform ‘air’ squats as fast as possible for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeat it for four rounds. Try to practice the same number of squats you performed in the first round throughout each round. If you want to make it more difficult, try the bottom-to-bottom version in which you need to hold the bottom on an air squat during the 10 seconds of rest.

Exercise #2

The next exercise to perform in Tabata workout is Burpees. In order to perform Burpees, stand straight and jump into the top of a plank position, bend your elbows slightly to bring your chest to the floor. Jump your feet forward to your arms and stand up; add a jump once you are upright. Repeat the Burpees as many times as you can for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds for four rounds.

Exercise # 3

Knees to Elbows are the third important Crossfit exercise to be performed as a part for Tabata. Stand at a Crossfit box and dangling off a pull-up bar. Bring your knees to your elbows. But if you’re outside on a track, you need to change this Crossfit exercise a bit. Stand straight with arms extended at each side; bend the arms to 90 degrees so that palms are facing forward, fingers point upward. Raise your right knee to 90 degrees while twisting your torso at the same time so that your left elbow meets your right knee. Switch sides.  Perform the exercise as possible for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest for four rounds.

Exercise # 4

Fourth intense crossfit exercise is suicide runes. Suicide runs are great to strengthen the cardiovascular system while working on agility. Run as fast as you can for a distance, normally 20 feet, touch the ground when you reach the mark. Run back to the starting position and again, tough the ground. Repeat it for as many times as you can in 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest for four rounds.

Crossfit creates a complete fitness program that involves various functional movements to achieve complete body strength and endurance. Prominently, these functional movements include barbell lifts such as deadlifts, squats and many other bodyweight exercises, including pull-ups and pushups. One more exercise that supports these fundamentals movements is the back extension. Just like other Crossfit exercises, the back extension must be performed under the supervision of a Crossfit certified trainer using the adequate technique for the best results.


Crossfit workouts incorporate a back extension into daily workouts to build functional core and posterior chain strength to practice prominent lifts such as deadlifts, squat and Olympics lifts. By strengthening the core and posterior chain with back extensions, you can effectively perform heavy lifts during Crossfit strength workouts.


Identical to the other Crossfit exercises, you ought to know the proper technique for back extension exercises to improve the results and reduce the chances of getting injured. The right back extension technique allows your glutes and hamstrings to activate during the Crossfit workout. Setup a GHD machine so that the top of your pelvis is hanging in front of the thigh pad. Slowly round your lower back as you bend at the waist and straighten your lower back while returning to the starting position.

Crossfit Exercises

As Crossfit back extensions are challenging and require particular technique, people often scale the exercises with the substitutes. Good mornings and supermans are the two most common substitutes. To practice good mornings, you need a barbell. This Crossfit exercise targets the posterior chains identical to a back extension. Supermans are practiced by lying on the mat and raising the arms and legs at the same time to activate the posterior chain muscles.

Avoid spinal flexion when performing the Crossfit back extension substitute exercises to prevent back injuries. Consult a Crossfit consultant before starting the back extension exercises.

Crossfit Workouts

Back extension exercises are included into various Crossfit workouts. The “Michael” hero workout and the Filthy Fifty workout are the most popular and preferred Crossfit workouts. Both workouts include 50 back extensions.  In “Michael” hero workout, you will be asked to three rounds of: 800-meter run, 50 back extensions and 50 sit-ups. If your choice is the Filthy fifty, however, includes 50 back extensions, 50 reps on box jumps, jumping pull-ups, kettlebell swing, walking lunges, push press, wall ball shots, burpees and double under.

Crossfit exercises are suitable for people belong to different age groups. Crossfit recruitment exercise program is extremely beneficial for those who have limited mobility or people disabilities. Being a person with disability, you cannot perform certain exercises such as yogalates, zumba, etc. but Crossfit has customized its workout s to accommodate for your limitations.

At crossfit home gym, special arrangements are provided to participants with limited mobility without charging extra, as long as they submit a written explanation of their needs along with their registration application and appropriate medical documents. The workouts are created and modified assuming individual's need, depending upon the individual’s physical limitations.

Crossfit Leg Recruitment Workout

Crossfit leg recruitment exercise benefits both physically-fit and individual with disability. People with limited mobility should perform some muscle-strengthening exercises at least two days a week that involve major muscle-groups. If you use a wheelchair, your workout at crossfit home gym will include quads, hamstrings, calves and glutes. Regular leg exercises help in reducing the risk of developing muscle atrophy, which is the wasting way of muscles due to nerve damage or lack of movement.

Box jump is an effective crossfit exercise that involves entire muscles of leg. Here is the technique, you ought to follow to do box jump at crossfit home gym:

Box Jump

In this crossfit exercise, you need to jump up from the ground and onto a 4-inch stable box. If you have limited mobility, first off, start standing still in the wheelchair and just lift your legs independently onto the box. But, if you can stand, just hold onto something stable and jump up and onto the box, be sure you’re balancing your body weight with your arms.

Squat Jump

Another crossfit leg recruitment exercise is the squat jump. If you cannot stand on your own, hold on something that allows you to pull yourself up and lower yourself back down. If you cannot do it on your own, you can take help of two assistants to gold you up on each side. To do a jump squat, squat down as if you’re sitting on a chair and jump as quickly as you can.

Important Considerations

Warm-up exercises are important to perform before starting any crossfit workout. If you perform exercise without warming up your muscles, it may cause pain in your muscles or your joints to hyperextend. Stretch your muscles and also perform yoga to increase the flexibility of your muscles.